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Old 2016-08-11, 18:52   Link #56
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Originally Posted by Demi. View Post
His track record consists of risking his life to save multiple peoples lives he hardly even knows on multiple occasions from events that only he seemed to know would happen. If he told me shit was going to go down, I'd believe him. Better safe then sorry, and he hasn't given me a reason to doubt him. Understanding his rationale is less important then knowing he has good intentions and that regardless where his sources come from, they are likely to be true. Rem believes in him because she loves him and he saved her in the past, but the other characters should also trust him because he continues to risk his life for their sake.
He doesn't have multiple records unless you take in timelines. Ironically look what happened in first half Arc 2, even though he helped saved Emilia's life, Rem and others still mistrusted him for multiple reasons without even bring up the Witch's scent. Emilia was the only one to defend and put her faith in him at all even though she admitted she was curious about his motives. People defintely care about his rationale something, that Rem, Ram and Betty have all questioned him one point to understand why he's acting so familiar and bringing up things that never happen. Emilia at least had Puck to ascertain that his intentions weren't bad, even if they were a mystery. Subaru wasn't turned away thanks to Emilia, but hard for anyone to accept him easily brcause how erratic his behavior from in one loop to next.

Originally Posted by Demi. View Post
I'm talking about the people inside the manor, not the other queen representatives who turned him down. Their tangible proof is that he's saved them in the past from something none of them saw coming. Emilia in particular has plenty of reason to trust Subaru and make a choice based on his character.
Emilia didn't partways with him because she distrusted him nor was it due not acknowledging his deeds, she did it because worried about him and was hurt by his actions. What possessed Subaru break her promise to stay away from the palace and rest his still lingering wounds from the Mabeast incident? Why did he get into a fight with Julilus considering that? Why did he use magic despite danger it put his life? On top of this there fact he and Emilia had only met in loot house in this timeline, yet fought like had known her. She could overlook everything up til now out of good faith until he broke their vow (something that is considered a sin to a Spirit User if you remember) without any explanitian. Unlike Rem, Emilia wants to understand what is driving him because she is tried of seeing him pushing himself on her behalf to the point where he nearly dies without a so much as why.

The only reason Rem stopped doing it is because she was so broken up till now that she come to cherishes anyone who has acknowledged her existance. She admits she knows nothing about him, but beacuse of what he had done had personally impacted he, Subaru has become someone she doesn't want do without even if it means just staying by his side.

Last edited by Applehell; 2016-08-11 at 19:33.
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