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Old 2016-08-04, 14:14   Link #14
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Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: UK
Age: 30
Since the ability is not realistic to begin with no one can really say they would have the courage to abuse it. (especially with the feature of it still hurting a lot) Thus far he tried to use every failed tale to its fullest(except for episode 7), even when it looked pretty bad.

You could argue in those scenes where it was really hopeless he just didn't really have the strength to kill himself anymore. Like he pretty much didn't even think about it anymore. Only in some scene he actually asked Beako to kill him.

Episode 7 was one of the episodes where he still managed to think it out since he didn't go batshit insane from his surroundings.

All in all, maybe the author just didn't feel like it would be that interesting for him to abuse his ability. It would have been a very boring plot then I guess.

Btw: The only thing that I found a bit weird was how he didn't really mind being in another world all of the sudden. Like he was shocked for a second there but other than that he took it pretty chill.
Well maybe it gets explained in the novel or I'm just missing something about him, I was just a bit surprised that is all.
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