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Old 2016-08-02, 04:26   Link #58
阿賀野型3番艦、矢矧 Lv180
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Originally Posted by HayashiTakara View Post
Just as you don't expect Emilia to not understand Subaru in the short amount of time they spent together, how do you expect me as the viewer who spent even a lesser amount of time, to care about her?
Except it wasn't the initial subject. That part of the discussion was about the relevancy of her character and how you believe describing a character with 1 line is a good argument to dismiss a character.
The fact you don't care about her is your own preference and that's about it.
A ruler needs to have a spine, being a monarch isn't about who can hug the most kittens. If she doesn't have the nerve to stand up for herself, how can anyone respect her as a ruler? She's showing them that she's weak and pathetic and nothing more than a pushover. A monarch needs to be strong and domineering.
A monarch cannot earn any respect either by not proving themselves either first. She is supposed to be seen as an incarnation of Satella, the witch that brought calamity on the world. As such, there is no way they would trust her with merely a bravado. Actions are necessary to demonstrate clearly she isn't just a "half elf", and just barking for the fact "I'm not Satella" and the likes won't work, which was pretty much the point the apple vendor said to Subaru, even when he brought the fact she could actually be a great individual and so forth.
You can interpret it that way, but I see more that she knows that he can let his emotions get the better of him and it'll lead to nothing more than embarrassing her. It was like this to me, because she was all "he's nothing to me, just some dude I know." to try and save face.
If she wanted to save face, she would have punished Subaru on the spot or let Subaru take the brunt of Julius' duel. It is actually worse for her because that means she let someone who wasn't her attendant/knight to enter the castle but under her name still.
She was outright seen by the other candidates and knights that she wanted to stop that duel even though it was merely a mock battle and that it was Subaru at fault here.

So no, she clearly was prioritizing his well being there.
Because she can't, you saw how fast she got exhausted. And puck is on a timer. We already know she's not a bad person, so she's not going to go kill random people to get what she wants.
Of course she can if she does that right from the get go when Puck was still around. The point of my remark is that she consider the situation at hand instead of using magic like crazy.
"Nice", "kind", "considerate" its all the same. When you're being considerate, people automatically call you a "nice person" or a "kind person".
And the point is? Being able to call someone with a single word doesn't really prove much. That's like saying "well, Rem is nice" and be done with it, which is quite false to begin with.

Then again, what's wrong with being nice? That's just like Asuras said: you are confusing "bland" and "lack of information". You don't know much about her, hence why you don't care much about her. That's fair, but I believe it is quite silly to complain "being just nice" is a fault when it comes to appreciation for a character, be it the audience or another character in the series.
You're forgetting that Rem can sense the Witches stench, which Subaru exudes, and Rem has an insane level of hate towards ANYTHING related to the witch. She had no reason to trust anyone that has is seemingly apart of the witch in some fashion.
I said perspective for a reason, right?
In Rem's case, his actions and his open comment regarding his stench were enough to prove he has nothing to do with the witch. It isn't like the hatred itself was towards him, but towards a specific group. The moment she realizes he isn't part of that cult, she has no reason to hate him whatsoever.

In Emilia's case, there is still absolutely nothing that would warrant someone who barely know her for few days/weeks to help her to the point of self destruction. We are talking about someone who was always persecuted for being an half elf and who encountered a guy who never interacted with her prior elsa's incident and went as far as nearly dying several times right from the get go.
This is quite alarming when the said guy never tells her his reasons and go worse over time: she knows she is the cause of his behaviour but doesn't understand the reason for it.
I'm more than certain he got the point across as to what a date was. His explanation was flimsy, but at the end of his exhausting explanation, she finally got it and accepted it.
He was only that way towards her and no one, there's nothing to suggest otherwise.
And yet, she didn't react as if it was a confession or anything. Again, from a perspective of someone who doesn't know what a date is, it has no romance weight whatsoever. Not only you can do all of these actions with friends as well, but Subaru didn't express his feelings clearly as he was never once serious when he talked to Emilia regarding that specific subject.
He doesn't know the importance of the item it was never ever explained to him, so it has no weight to Subaru whatsoever, all he saw was a kind girl that took the time to help out a little girl. That's it.
It is still a factor considering she wouldn't just help someone at random. It is something she does naturally even when she should be pressed on other stuff.

And again, there is nothing wrong for someone to be attracted by such kind of kindness.
I'm a native new yorker, I just have an aggressive tone, it's just how I am. Nature and all that shit, don't mean anything with it.
Then reconsider your attitude. I'm not here to take the brunt of your aggressive tone whatsoever.
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