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Old 2016-08-01, 21:25   Link #57
Chicken or Beef?
Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: Seattle
Age: 41
Originally Posted by Klashikari View Post
I used a deliberately exaggerated example with Rem exactly to illustrate how silly it is. Saying you can describe a character with a single line is pretty petty because that doesn't reflect their respective merits whatsoever. That's the very reason I said "which is quite frankly exaggerated to do such", because you can apply to other characters in any series with that kind of reasoning.
Just as you don't expect Emilia to not understand Subaru in the short amount of time they spent together, how do you expect me as the viewer who spent even a lesser amount of time, to care about her?

That's not how politics work, especially for people with a screwed heritage like Emilia. Regardless how good Subaru's intentions were, he doesn't have any clue how the public sees Emilia at all, so calling out people because of her bloodline was not the smartest thing to do. Furthermore, there is absolutely no reason to go against such criticism if you can't back your words with anything else, that's why Subaru couldn't argue any longer when the apple vendor outright told him about the prejudice against half elves. Trying a bravado here has no direct benefit whatsoever.
And it isn't like Emilia was happy to be discriminated this way, but showing balls there? hardly a good choice.
A ruler needs to have a spine, being a monarch isn't about who can hug the most kittens. If she doesn't have the nerve to stand up for herself, how can anyone respect her as a ruler? She's showing them that she's weak and pathetic and nothing more than a pushover. A monarch needs to be strong and domineering.

In fact, I don't see how you can even call her naive at this point: she immediately figured out it would go dicey if Subaru follows her during that peculiar situation by outright stating "you won't like that".
Isn't that quality enough to like someone? But sure: Emilia is responsible considering she strives for equality which is something that cannot be taken lightly because of her bloodline. Therefore, that also assumes she has courage and actual patience to deal with people not trusting half elves whatsoever.
You can interpret it that way, but I see more that she knows that he can let his emotions get the better of him and it'll lead to nothing more than embarrassing her. It was like this to me, because she was all "he's nothing to me, just some dude I know." to try and save face.

She also has a good composure considering she could deal with Elsa without doing anything rash like going all out with Puck. She could easily ignore the likes of Subaru who was a stranger to her etc and bomb everything, but didn't.
Because she can't, you saw how fast she got exhausted. And puck is on a timer. We already know she's not a bad person, so she's not going to go kill random people to get what she wants.

She also has a good intuition and understanding when it comes to people, that's why she trusted Subaru quite early but also figured out that allowing him to be in the castle would lead to a huge backlash to him. That requires actual understanding of politics, etiquette and prediction to what people might do.
Feel free to see it that way, I still see her as naive.

And that part also has shown consideration from her when it comes to Subaru because the one thing she didn't want him to do was to push himself again despite he isn't in top shape whatsoever. Being merely nice would mean to indulge other people whims so not to frustrate them whatsoever. Being considerate involves more than being nice: it requires actual awareness of the situation and to say "no" when it is needed.
"Nice", "kind", "considerate" its all the same. When you're being considerate, people automatically call you a "nice person" or a "kind person".

That's more than just being nice. But then again, what's the problem of being "just" nice? Is that a sin for someone to like a person who is nice?
I would also argue that Rem is "just" nice with such criteria (along with a certain guilt regarding Ram), but I personally think she is also much more than that.
Let's assume it is 2 weeks for a moment. I'd argue it is still awfully short to have someone behind your back and putting their life on the line several times in a row. The keyword again is "perspective".
Remember one fundamental issue: the word "date" doesn't exist in that setup. Emilia had to ask Subaru the definition of it and Subaru merely described as "Going together, seeing the same things, eating the same things, doing the same things and sharing the same memories". This kind of stuff can be done with friends. It doesn't have any romantic weight when explained this way. And they only did once in that loop.
You're forgetting that Rem can sense the Witches stench, which Subaru exudes, and Rem has an insane level of hate towards ANYTHING related to the witch. She had no reason to trust anyone that has is seemingly apart of the witch in some fashion.

I'm more than certain he got the point across as to what a date was. His explanation was flimsy, but at the end of his exhausting explanation, she finally got it and accepted it.

Also, flirting and confessing are 2 different things. Again, there is no single moment where he was shown serious when he was flirting with her. Remember how Emilia was often laughing when Subaru was going all otaku mode? That illustrates how she sees his antics as part of his personality.
Acting like a charmer doesn't always drive the point accross, especially in a narrative like that.
He was only that way towards her and no one, there's nothing to suggest otherwise.

Correction: she saved a little girl even though time wasn't on her side regarding the crest theft, which could potentially screws her goal to lead the country.
And as much as I also believe Reinhardt is a nice guy (or maybe too much), that's absolutely not the point here, especially the context is arguably different.

If you want to argue any further, I have no issue whatsoever. But please drop the passive aggressive stance, this is childish and toxic for a proper discussion.
He doesn't know the importance of the item it was never ever explained to him, so it has no weight to Subaru whatsoever, all he saw was a kind girl that took the time to help out a little girl. That's it.

I'm a native new yorker, I just have an aggressive tone, it's just how I am. Nature and all that shit, don't mean anything with it.
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