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Old 2016-08-01, 12:50   Link #47
阿賀野型3番艦、矢矧 Lv180
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Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Belgium, Brussels
Age: 37
Just to make my point straight: I won't hide I have a preference for Emilia, but that doesn't mean I have anything against Rem. To the contrary, Rem is pretty much the most active character in Re:Zero franchise that isn't Subaru and things would have been bleak if it wasn't for her support. They are pretty much 2 very likeable characters, no question about that.

Hell, if Subaru fell for her, I wouldn't bat an eye. That would simply work too considering Rem's strong points lately. Emphasis on that last word because love isn't always a matter of comparison, but also it also involves time, regardless of the "first girl/guy wins" or "longest relationship" trope.
It is just the same in reality: some people crush will affect them so hard it won't change their mind even if other people believe they are a better match with someone else. Likewise, feelings can change over time as well.

However, I just cannot agree with the sentiment of some people (be it AS or other social places like twitter) where that dissatisfaction regarding a certain pairing means the said character didn't deserve it and/or is worse than "best waifu/husbando" thing. Hell, we don't know if Emilia has feelings for Subaru or not, beside the fact she does care about him. That basically means there isn't really any confirmed "ship" for Subaru and Emilia (and no, I don't want any spoiler, thank you very much).

Furthermore, while it is evident that Emilia's screentime is quite minimal compared to Rem, I don't see why this is a factor either when it comes to Subaru's feelings (which shouldn't be affected by the audience). Again, love at first sight, specific actions or traits etc can be much more powerful given certain situations, and Subaru has shown a lot of times his adoration for Emilia quite early in the game.
Pretty much how Rem describes Subaru as his reason to die (as in, her time finally resumed), Subaru described Emilia as his savior even though she had no reason to help him considering the crisis at hand with the pendant. For someone who considers himself like a useless and idle neet, being saved this way was pretty much beyond awe inspiring for him, and she apparently fits his fetishes as well.

Beyond people preference, I think it is best to trust an author when it comes about romance, even if there are series where author's preference could take precedence over "natural relationship" as some people say. It doesn't mean we should have a blind faith whatsoever, but if the narrative tread that subject properly, then it is all good.
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