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Old 2016-07-31, 14:48   Link #34
Chicken or Beef?
Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: Seattle
Age: 41
Originally Posted by Wandering Soul View Post
So if Emilia is selfish, why did she stop to help him and various other people out when they met out in arc 1, despite the fact that she was in a rush to find her missing insignia?

If she doesn't try to understand or listen to him, how was she able to see through the mask he was wearing in the mansion and help him out by giving him that lap pillow?

She has tried to listen to him in this arc too, though Subaru only paid back her kindness by breaking their promises, lying to her, and expecting her to just shut up and do whatever he says. The one time he was able to explain everything to her, it didn't end well.

I don't know where you got this whole Emilia is selfish and only cares about herself idea from.
Oh I dunno, maybe the "yeah you're right, you did help me out a lot, let me repay it, bye bitch"

Being nice doesn't mean you're selfless, she has an agenda for Subaru. She even muttered under her breath that she had expectations of him and was disappointed. Meaning she's probably trying to use him for whatever purpose.
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