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Old 2016-07-16, 23:27   Link #41
The slacking one
Join Date: Apr 2012
Originally Posted by Triple_R View Post
I strongly and passionately disagree with this. What's not believable about someone feeling strong attachment to her or his school, and wanting to save it? Especially when that school holds a strong and meaningful family connection to the person trying to save it?
Different experiences, that's all. Never've been into stuff like that, and I switched schools like crazy back in the day, so there was never much attachment until the school I graduated from, which I know for a fact is still open. Recently I found out many of the other schools I went to are closed, and it was sad, but that was after seeing the original LL.

It's not like I hated that plot point, not at all, and I was glad to see Honoka and the crew accomplish their goal with such success, its just having people close by backing you up and wanting to answer those feelings hits way closer to home, so let me change that previous statement to It's more believeable to me.
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