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Old 2016-07-16, 23:04   Link #39
The slacking one
Join Date: Apr 2012
That ended up much better than expected I was quite scared when the live arrived, but it turned out to be a very different experience from what the original trio had to go through, and that final intervention from Dia and Chika's reply really sealed the deal: If it felt undeserved that the girls got full house first try, is because it kinda was, but it shows there's a lot of love behind Chika and co., and after seeing that, how can she not keep going? Definetly a much more believable motivation than "gotta save the school", and it's nice to see Chika's family playing a role in the story. Also, that's a pretty nice song, not quite as catchy as the best bits of Start: Dash, but I definetly want to hear it whole.

I won't lie, it is kinda weird to see so many paralells this episode, but the first live was, to me, one of the strongest moments from the original, so awkardness was inevitable. Hopefully everything is smooth sailing from here. Besides, it seems the third years could be bringing a different flavor of dynamic, so there's that to look forward to.

On more cheerful news, this episode probably had the best beginning ever. To anyone who's seeing her for the first time, say hello to the queen of Crazy, Mari Ohara! That sound you're hearing is common sense dying quickly but painfully Really, that opening was amazing; the moment the helicopter started getting closer I was going "yes, do it, Mari! Do it!" That said, I am kinda dissapointed she turned out to be the Nozomi of the group, and clearly so. It just doesn't feel like it fits with the insanity very well, but maybe I just need to see her showing a softer side. I still remember smiling like an idiot when Nozomi got embarassed when the others came over to visit.

Next week, its time for Chika to live up to her promise from episode one, and recruit Ruby and Maru!

Oh, and You is awesome. About time she showed what that energy of hers can do. And Chika sure knows how to put the moves on the ladies. Looking forward to doujins, worksafe or otherwise.

Originally Posted by Triple_R View Post
Similarly, instead of arguing over which Love Live is better, we should all come together in preferring Love Live in general over iM@Sverse!

Speaking of which, I certainly prefer Sunshine to Cinderella Girls. Love Live is probably managing its spinoff sequel better than iM@S did.
Oh, no doubt. The second half of Cinderella Girls is such a chore to go through. And to this day I wonder why couldn't they use Mayu for the main group.

Last edited by Requiem-x; 2016-07-16 at 23:15.
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