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Old 2016-07-16, 18:59   Link #27
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Originally Posted by Triple_R View Post
I really would have preferred it if the new Aquors trio had started again from the beginning. Not just for in-story reasons (it would have made the audience's reaction much more sensible, as per what you're writing here) but also for the sake of us, the viewers. Honestly, I feel a little cheated in not getting to watch this live performance uninterrupted.
Well it's only the start. Their concert was supposed to be 30 minutes long, so let's assume some in world logic that they probably got a couple of performances after their original song. I know Chika had Start Dash and Yume no Tobira lined up.

Aquors' name being rooted in the specific place where all these girls meet (maybe not the exact beach, but the community around that beach) is also fine.
Speaking of which, it's spelt Aqours

So Reddit is the only thing that counts now?
I don't even get why it's a thing thinking that reddit is the be all, end all of which is better. You have to remember that the reddit users stuck to Aqours a lot longer than most posters here on Animesuki. Heck, most of them even listen to all of the audio dramas, read every short pieces in Dengeki's magazine, and watch all the nico live streams already that they have a certain fondness of the members quirks long before the anime made it apparent. I admit I'm also part of the people who jump on the Aqours bandwagon before learning about muse's end, however I don't post on reddit and there are times where I don't fully agree with the opinions on there.

One thing though that the reddit users did point out though with that concert, is the scene where Dia confronts Aqours where their success came from the other school idols before them and the good will of the people. It's rather meta if you consider that Dia is a hardcore muse fan (and not a Love Live fan) and she blasted Aqours's reason for existence is because of muse. Chika fully admitting that it's true but still wants to prove to us that they are going to be special in their own way certainly made me appreciate what this episode was doing. Thrown in the 3 birds flying in the sky before the ED credits also proves how meta this episode got.
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