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Old 2016-07-07, 05:16   Link #20
Join Date: Jul 2014
Location: Georgia, Tbilisi
For me the camera angles were all over the place and it was hard to make out what exactly was happening but it was beautifully animated, yeah.

As for its pacing, IMO the first half was terrible, a consequence of their fucked ending last season. It went by too fast and then it slowed down, I wouldn't call that perfect pacing.

One thing that left a huge impression was the after credit scene, it was almost scary. The new voice actors fit their characters and Silver Link represented them in animation medium well.

Best and the only good fate anime is back!
Can we not do this? Prisma is far from a perfect manga adaptation, neither is it true to its source material. I get it that you like the show but a statement like that is nothing more than a bait.
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