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Old 2016-07-03, 01:10   Link #98
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Originally Posted by Tempester View Post
That's a point in Chika's favor, as well as the Sunshine anime so far. I appreciated to some extent Honoka's energy and vigor that pushed the plot forward, but her clumsiness and general idiocy
Honoka wasn't particularly clumsy, and she wasn't idiotic in the least.

And honestly, the way Chika handled trying to start a school idol club struck me as more idiotic than how Honoka went about it.

was overplayed to the point of overshadowing the other girls' screentime and sometimes making me want to question her competence as leader.
Honoka was an excellent leader. I don't see any good reason to question her competence. Her decisions were usually right, typically meeting with good results.

Honoka was probably the butt of 50% of the jokes (wild estimate), and in a show that's supposed to balance 9 major characters that's already too much.
Honestly, this is one of the most disappointing comments I've ever read from you. It's pure nonsense, it really is. Nico and/or Maki were the butt of plenty of jokes. Between the two of them, they were the butt of the joke more than Honoka alone was. And that's before we even get into the remaining 6 members of u's.

Chika so far is also portrayed as dumb in some ways, but not only is her silliness much less overplayed than Honoka's (at least in this first episode),
There's plenty of silliness I saw from Chika in this episode.

the show takes care to show that the other girls are around her level of expressiveness and wackiness, which makes the cast feel much more balanced.
So you think balance is achieved by having all the characters be alike? I disagree with that. Balance is achieved through difference and variety.

Look, it's perfectly fine if you just like having loads and loads of expressiveness and wackiness. That's a perfectly legitimate taste preference. But saying it represents "balance" is simply silly, in my view.
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