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Old 2016-06-23, 01:58   Link #81
Join Date: Nov 2009
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Originally Posted by magnuskn View Post
For the moment, I'd rather believe our protagonists, i.e. Chaos, who do not seem to think that NUNS dropped a bomb on the Windermerans seven years ago. I would rather trust the people who are defending against the aggressors who use mind-control tech to take away the free will of billions of people and commit warcrimes and acts of terrorism to get to their goals.
But where do Chaos (and Mirage) get their information from? NUNS/the NUN government. If they did indeed set off the dimension eater, or plant it there, or had a hand in that, why would they tell the truth?

Yes, it is speculation, and I think it might be possible that Roid could have been involved, if any Windermerean was complicit in bringing that DE onto the planet. But the way that the rest of the Windermereans have been presented when they talk about this sounds to me as if they truly believe NUNS did it.

At this point, it is the word of the Windermerean rulers against the word of NUNS/the NUN government. Is NUNS more trustworthy simply because our protagonists believe what they say? Is not the behaviour of that NUN official in episode 12 enough reason to cast doubt on the 'accepted history' of what happened?

NB: I'm not saying that Windermere (all of the Windermerean leaders we've met) are off the hook at this point. But I have some serious doubts as to the 'official' stories related by both Freyja and Mirage. Is one right and the other wrong? Or are both wrong? Where does the truth actually lie?

Originally Posted by Anh_Minh View Post
Something the Windermereans have turned into a WMD to be used, not just against Ragna, but against several inhabited planets.
Here's a definition of a weapon of mass destruction (WMD) (adapted from here):

A weapon that has the potential to case large-scale destruction indiscriminately, especially against civilians.

Destruction: "the action or process of causing so much damage to something that it no longer exists or cannot be repaired."

Tell me, how is Var a WMD?

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