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Old 2016-06-05, 22:42   Link #77
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Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: Newfoundland, Canada
Age: 42
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Beautiful episode. Tragic, but beautiful.

Basically flawless execution from start to finish. Best anime episode I've watched in a very long time, definitely Delta's best to date.

Wonderfully emotional, without feeling forced or belabored. The Kaname/Messer story was amazingly compelling given the total amount of focus/time it had.

This episode also had a great blend of charmingly comfy SoL and breathtaking battles in the skies. I've consistently enjoyed Delta's action scenes, but this is the first time I felt pumped and excited and impressed by them. They were simply glorious in this episode. Some have said that Macross Delta had yet to provide them with a memorable scene - Well, I hope this episode has changed that for some people.
Keith vs. Messer: The Final Fight, lovingly accentuated by Kaname's singing, is sure to be one of Delta's most memorable scenes for me.

Another positive aspect of this is what it does for Keith and the Windermere side. There was one issue I had with them that I had decided to keep to myself, thought it probably had been limiting my fondness of the action scenes - And this issue is that the Aerial Knights were giving me a Team Rocket (Pokemon) vibe. They'd engage Delta Squadron, do some aerial dog-fighting, give us some visual treats, but then end up flying away under Roid's orders. Notable casualties were very little or non-existent, and the Aerial Knights had yet to claim a significant kill. "I'll get you next time!" kept echoing in my ears.

Well, Episode 10 changes all of that dramatically. Keith's victory, taking out Delta Squadron's best pilot, definitely serves to make him and his Aerial Knights seem more menacing and serious. I still don't feel much sympathy for Keith and his Aerial Knights, but at least now I respect them some. I respect the very real threat they pose to our protagonists.

There's loads of potential in the aftermath to this episode. But there's also definite challenges. Messer added a lot of balance to this cast, and his relationship with Kaname had become one of the show's strongest aspects. Delta's main trio are seriously going to have to step up their game if Delta is going to continue to be an excellent show, even in Messer's absence.

But no matter what, this was an outstanding episode. Thanks to everybody that brought it to us, and special thanks to the Director/writing staff for having the guts to kill a major named protagonist. This sort of thing really helps the verisimilitude and drama of a war narrative.

Last edited by Triple_R; 2016-06-05 at 22:52.
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