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Old 2016-06-05, 21:19   Link #66
Pew Pew Pew!
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: Buttfuck Nowhere, Canada
...But...But now to whom will Keith's rune point towards ;___;

I don't really know how I feel about Messer's a lot of things with Delta it feels halfassed. I think the only thing they managed to do well was the Messer/Kaname relation and that sort of dies with this event...assuming he is dead for dead.

I will say though I feel like this whole scene (minus death) encompassed pretty much everything I wished I felt towards the Freya/Hayate powerup a few episodes back. While it's hard to really compare a backstory event next to characters who have only recently met, I think with Messer and Kaname there was a really logical set of events set in place to warrant the connection followed by the epic wind riding. Everything they did prior to that moment mattered to why the connection was reached...

Whereas the previous Hayate/Freya thing I felt lacked it, making it feel undeserved. Again it's all just my opinion but I feel for once there's a more visual comparison to describe just how I feel.

Actually going on that tangent is sort of helping me shape just what bugs me about the death-- It makes no sense. If we are to assume that Keith and Messer were reasonably evenly matched in the past- and that the sudden resurgence of his condition was what made it hard for him in prior episodes to completely focus on fighting Keith--

The idea that after taking over his Vars syndrome followed by epic wind riding that he is still unable to beat Keith or at least live for another day seems unrealistic?

On a different note- I guess...Mikumo is an actual Macross-verse mermaid?

Also I withheld judgments last week with Axia- and I still like it. It's not hot blooded but I like the song nonetheless. I'm also glad that the non-Freyja members of Walkure (Though I guess it's just Mikumo and Kaname) are managing more than looking like backdrop settings.
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