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Old 2006-06-06, 22:18   Link #83
B-Gamer and anime otaku
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Sao Paulo, Brazil
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As far i remember, in anime the size of the eyes tend to show the AGE of the character, not the GENRE.

If a character is very young, he/she has very big eyes; (Ex.: Aruruu)
If a character is young yet mature, he/she has almost normal sized eyes. (Ex.: Hakuoro, Benawi)
If a character is old, he/she has small eyes (meaning he/she saw many things in his/her long life); (Ex.: Tsukuruu)

The twins eyes are bigger than Oboro, so that means they are younger than him.

Of course, there is exceptions, but i don't think that's the case now.
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