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Old 2016-04-11, 14:36   Link #55
Supreme Coconut Edgelord
Join Date: Aug 2015
Originally Posted by BladeMancer View Post
So your alright with killing off central characters like Hamazura, Mugino, Misaki and to a slight extent Gunha with circumstance, but your completely against killing characters like Pierce or even Aisa (she's like a ghost, if she died people would be like who da f*** got killed?)
I can actually explain my reasoning for a few of these.

Mugino has had a change of heart, and is no longer a psychotic murderer like she once was. She messed up when she killed Frenda, and she knows this - thus - she is a lot more like Accelerator is now, but to lesser hostile extent. Her attempting to atone for the things she's done and all the people she's killed by sacrificing herself to save someone or others would be a fitting way to go for her.

Hamazura has Takitsubo - his girlfriend - to worry about now. Its not just about himself anymore, and in turn, Rikou has beginning to open up a bit more towards him. Now, lets say Hamazura were to die by protecting her. How would she react?
How she would handle losing someone she cares for, wouldn't that be interesting to see?

Misaki is always trying to maintain her image and fit in with the rest of the crowd, yet, nobody but Touma (before he lost his memories the first time) knows the real her. How tragic would it be for her to die right in front of him, and for some reason, he can't even remember her name for more than a minute no matter how much he tries to get to know her.

Gunha hasn't been fleshed out very much quite yet, and not much is known about him except for the fact that he is a gemstone esper. Ollerus alluded that he could become stronger or something, and he was interested in him for some reason. I can't remember why, I'd have to go back and read it. But if I understand his character as I think I do, he doesn't think things through, and would probably lay down his life without a second thought if he believed it would save everyone whether he knows them or not.

Pierce or Komoe dying would be a major plot-hole since Kamachi has stated that he has a different name than Aogami Pierce (in other words, this is an alias) - in the manga, he's known as Blau - a dreamranker. Yeah, with such little information to go on, I'd say him dying right about now would be extremely dumb.

And Komoe's physical body is a complete mystery, and her being called one of the - seven wonders of AC - kind of hints that she holds some sort of hidden significance that hasn't been revealed as of yet. Yeah, again, her dying would leave a plot-hole too.

Aisa has almost died already once, I mean, there was blood everywhere during Daihaseisai. I don't think her dying would serve a purpose at all even if she is just a background character.

Do you see where I'm going with this? It would be a bad case of judgement for some characters to die at this point without at least fleshing them out a bit more.
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