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Old 2016-04-04, 07:55   Link #42
Anime-Only Viewer
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Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: USA
Well, after watching this compared to the preview episode, I've accepted it a little more. Maybe the editing made the ridiculousness of dancing mechas in the middle of an intense and destructive battle a little better. The holographic dancing shield plates is still ridiculous, but feels a little better after a second review. Weird poses as intros to the band is still weird poses. The singing is Macross style, so that is great. The prancing around in a battlefield is a little more sketchy. I'll have to see what episode 2 brings.

I still don't like the main song of Walkure, which sounds so awkward with that English chorus, and so generic sounding. The second (last song) they sang was better, but I just really dislike the saxophone chorus.

Other than the dancing idol groups with ridiculous poses and dancing mecha, I like the other aspects of the show. The battle scenes are great, when they don't involve idols. It also seems like they cut some scenes from Walkure in the city compared to the preview.

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Well, the guy that made this series and AKB0048 is the exact same guy (Kawamori Shouji), so it is not surprising that they are so similar.
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