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Old 2016-04-01, 21:25   Link #16
Senior Member
Join Date: Jan 2008
IBM’s resistive computing could accelerate Artificial
Intelligence by 5000 times over Nvidia GPUs:

"IBM making progress with resistive computing. the idea for resistive
computing is to have compute units that are analog in nature, small in
substance, and can retain their history so they can learn during the
training process.

Accelerating neural networks with hardware isn’t new to IBM. It
recently announced the sale of some of its TrueNorth chips to
Lawrence National Labs for AI research. TrueNorth’s design is
neuromorphic, meaning that the chips roughly approximate the brain’s
architecture of neurons and synapses. Despite its slow clock rate of 1
KHz, TrueNorth can run neural networks very efficiently because of its
million tiny processing units that each emulate a neuron.

IBM researchers Tayfun Gokmen and Yuri Vlasov propose a new chip
architecture, using resistive computing to create tiles of millions of
Resistive Processing Units (RPUs), which can be used for both training
and running neural networks."

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