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Old 2016-03-29, 11:44   Link #21
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Join Date: Sep 2015
Just because Shinra admits his actions are bad, it doesn't make them any less bad. I had no respect for his character throughout the series; I tried liking him, I really did, but he just came across to me as a weirdo who's love is really just an obsession. To me, it looked as if Celty acquired Stockholm Syndrome; she just came around to Shinra's way of thinking after a while and she's way too nice for her own good to stick up for herself or call out her loved one's actions, forgiving him too easily. (When this is lampshaded by Namie of all people, you know it's bad) He's not as sick as Seiji, (a nutjob if I ever saw one) but it's the reverse with Shinra: wants the body, could care less what happens to her head.

Plus it's a wasted opportunity. If Celty wasn't so stubborn and stayed of her own accord, she could've lived with the cast of characters and have her head finally speak for her, instead of always relying on that stupid phone. (If Anri can live with Saika inside her, Celty could live with her head by her side, maybe even use her shadow powers to keep it "attached".) Her facial expression as Shinra was sent to flying to where she was in the sky was hilarious. And even if she left, couldn't they have faith that she will eventually return to them? Shooter the horse didn't want to leave, it grew too attached to its surroundings. Or is there some mystical power at work here, compelling her to leave?

There were a bunch of people in Durarara that I wished had got their comeuppance sooner or was punished more harshly but I'll take what I can get; Takashi deserves everything coming to him. At least Aoba was threatened by the gangster to leave Mikado and his friends alone or he's going to end up regretting it. That psychopath Adabashi was stopped from killing poor Ruri by Kujiragi. And FINALLY, Izaya gets his ass kicked by Shizuo. Though I don't like that Seiji is still chasing after Celty's head and that Mika is encouraging this (the girl wants to eat Celty's head for crying out loud!) I also don't like that Namie and this mysterious group Nebula will continue to experiment on Celty's head, after all the pain and suffering of trying to get it back.

Here's hoping that the novels for Durarara SH gives them their just desserts. Here's also hoping for an anime adaptation of these novels too.
If fighting could provide us with the truth, nobody would make any mistakes in their lives. A person's life is not that easy. The truth you must learn from yourself, from how you live your life.

Anyone can die. It's living that requires courage.

You will not touch these innocent people with even one inch of your dirty blades, if you require an opponent, I will fight you. If you wanna taste the ground, feel free to attack me.
-Rurouni Kenshin
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