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Old 2016-03-28, 20:02   Link #30
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Originally Posted by yoshimori12 View Post
did someone got butthurt after watch the final episode???

well, dont forget this is muvluv, to someone who already understand how this francise story line, he wont suprised.

opening - chatting bla bla bla - intense battle - chatting - intense battle - ending all character die except one for witness

btw this series doesnt have much mean, well in 2001 europe will fall into beta
Death is nothing new to Muvluv and in fact revels in it, however just saying death is common isn't such a good excuse especially since Muvluv had more understandable deaths. e.g. Takeru's harem dying makes sense, they're are in a HIVE afterall and are mostly buying time for him.

Originally Posted by Kakurin-san View Post
Not every injury is the same. The amount of blood loss between the two cases you named and Irisdina's case it quite different. They could've done a better job in the visual approach (like the thing I mentioned with Anett tossing the gun that could've been easily explained away by blocking the line of sight with a tree after Axmann got tossed away by Irisdina) but it's not bad writing per se.
The entire scene would have been better if Anett was nowhere near it, her presence just adds a lot 'would have been' scenarios that couldn't be explained away without massive suspension of disbelief. Bad shot? Iris had some distance from Axmann, it doesn't matter if Anett actually hit him or not, at least provide cover for her captain.

Irisdinas death in the LN was slightly less contrived, doubtful that Katia would know anything medical treatment beyond what is taught at basic. Still pointless though.

In the anime, Iris got shot in the abdomen and Anett just stands there and calls Theo who, also just stands there instead of I don't know, trying to staunch the bleeding? Then there's Iris refusing medical treatment for no rational reason other than the author needing a martyr.

Anett...the number of your comrades deaths on your hands is amazing really...
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