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Old 2016-03-27, 23:26   Link #45
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Join Date: Mar 2016
Originally Posted by Iron Maw View Post
Um... is there a reason why Oshutoru turned into sand when Vurai didn't when he went Kaju way back during the barbarian invasion (which itself never became relevant again. )

That aside, beyond the various nitpicks and odd moments the ending was okay on a whole I suppose. There were signs a for awhile that this adaptation was clearly not on the level of first, no thanks in small part to various angry fans of the franchise who played the source. So I was prepared for what was more or less a lackluster finish. This show was really uneven from start to it's end. It's shame to since had a lot potential when it starting out, but I Uta2 couldn't escape the curse of shitty game adaptations like the first did.

Gets 6/10 from me.

Uta1 could have easily turn out this way if were done by the same director. Besides silly to judge something you haven't experienced yourself in which the original creators had no hand in. If it killed your interest in the source that would be fair, but it's pointless to praise or denounce the source itself with this. And what it is worth those who have played Uta2 hated this adaptation same as you. This alone should tell you what you need to know about differences in execution and content.

because he didnt offer his soul to the mask during the barbarian attack
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