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Old 2016-03-24, 11:03   Link #7
Join Date: Jun 2013
Originally Posted by Marcus H. View Post
So far, China isn't a tyrant. "Bully" is more appropriate. They still play the rules but will harass the smaller ones while it is still not punishable.
That frankly is something everybody has been, is and will be doing. It's basic human nature. The US didn't bat an eye overrunning the Native Americans while realising their manifest destiny. The British didn't care about anything at all while expanding their colonial empire. The Indonesians gave a crap about what the people in New Guinea really wanted when they took the area over from the Dutch. What the Chinese are doing right now is not in any form different to what's basically the course of history. That doesn't make them any better nor any worse and certainly doesn't justify fear-mongering like suggesting they are on the path of becoming Imperial Japan. It's just about as appropriate as somebody saying the US is on the road to becoming Nazi Germany with the rise of Donald Trump.

Originally Posted by SaintessHeart View Post
Already did, and isn't that the same bit of nationalism China teaches? Like how they are the real force behind winning against Imperial Japan before the Americans came in to take credit with their atomic bombs?
It's not exactly Chinese-only to teach a "unique" version of history. The history taught to the people is part of a narrative. In China's case they always blew up the role of the Chinese people in the war with Japan. One reason of course is to strengthen the claim of the ruling party. Another reason is because it's simply better-sounding than the truth. The truth that China - while being the main reason for the Pacific War which was Japan's "solution" to their China quagmire - played no role at all in defeating the Japanese is simply said cruel. Because it means that the tens of millions of Chinese from 1931 to 1945 died without any meaning and contribution.

The thing I see here is how it sort of rhymes with historical events, like how they took the Pacific islands in WWI while everyone is distracted fighting the Germans
You do know that the Pacific Islands were German colonial possessions the Japanese received legally after the Treaty of Versailles, right?

And China's military can easily take over Taiwan and blockade the Japanese before the 7th Fleet receives orders from the US President to defend their allies.
More fear-mongering. China's military is still decades behind the Japan/US in terms of naval and air technology. They are catching up fast, but it's crazy to think they could "easily" do those things. Frankly, this entire thread is utterly ridiculous. Not to mention of the US military presence in the region which includes Yokosuka being the permanent home port of an US nuclear carrier.
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