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Old 2016-03-21, 10:18   Link #15
Obelisk ze Tormentor
Black Steel Knight
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Indonesia
Call me weird or something, but I think this Kaijuu-fight really feels anemic. There’s a lot of things which are executed wrong in this fight from my perspective (aka. so many awkward things). First, we have the BGM that is too unenergetic for this kind of climactic battle which then stopped at random points that pretty much killed any momentum that the fight has built. Second, the fight itself is so slow and feels like turn-based fight where we have many instances where the characters just stopped their fight just to talk or wait for their opponent to talk or (the most insulting of it all) waiting to be attacked by the opposite party without doing much of anything. Like, Godzi-toru was mostly stood there to take some beatings from Godzi-rai. Like, seriously? He mostly just freakin’ stood there and tanking some fire attacks when he’s supposed to have water & ice-based attacks, but he barely did anything noteworthy to Godzi-rai with it. Such a waste of water & ice-based attacks. Heck, I’ve seen similar element-based pokemon fights which are much more intense and energetic than what I saw in this episode and none of them are giant-sized (and this fight is supposed to be one of the highlights of the series? ugh). Katara and Esdeath are disappointed in your way of fighting with water & ice, Oshutoru.

This kind of anemic feels does not only applied to the fight, but also for the entire episode in general that it pisses me off. The lackluster BGM that sounds like something out of straight-to-video B-grade fantasy movies does not help matters either. But I’ll be generous and rate it “average” because some instances of the animation do look very good (even though I was very tempted to click "below average" or “poor”).
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