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Old 2016-03-20, 23:43   Link #12
Ashigara's master
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: A disclosed area off coast Ryuku Islands
Age: 32
Noooo! Gretel died! I wanted you alive!

Though I disagree about the bulletproof part. If shot by a rifle-caliber or a 7.62x25mm would penetrate the suit. There, clearly Axmann wasn't wielding a Makarov, but a Tokarev-type pistol. In fact, 7.62x25mm can shoot through a certain classes of bulletproof vest like a hot butter.

I felt sad for Theo to mourn on his imouto, but that had to be done or anything could gone worse than a shithole. Anett felt it too, even though Lise was the enemy.

By the way, is it me or do I find Anett looks attractive? I think she can become Theo's waifu when most of his waifu candidates died.

Schmidt was revealed to be a KGB agent all along. Just as I suspected, that the so-called Moscow faction is a KGB-affiliated Stasi, especially with a few among the top brass turned out to be a KGB proxy. After all, Stasi used to have a deep connection with the KGB during the Cold War. Because of this, at least they show to us that Beatrix do has standards when she learns that "Gregori" is in way over his head to bring in a nuclear weapon. Though it seems a little late to show that to us, cause the pacing seems sloppy.

Anyway, Theo finally earned a new MiG-23 Cheburashka-Zwei - using a salvaged Lise's headless MiG-23 body and Iris' MiG-21PF's head. His head dreams of Iris and a body of Lise he bonked - the product of his adultering life choices.

MiG-23 is a good leap from MiG-21 in combat capabilities. Despite this, MiG-23 wouldn't stand a chance against MiG-27 in combat because the latter is much more advanced (It's ironic how the real-life MiG-27 was a MiG-23 variant modified for ground-attack capabilities, rather than furthering enhancing speed, maneuverability & CQC). Even so, the waifu power shall help him defeat Beatrix.

May the Waifu Force be with you, Theo boy!
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