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Old 2016-03-20, 22:53   Link #9
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Join Date: Jul 2014
Originally Posted by Heir of the Void View Post
Well, its not as if what they're doing is working by any, by any stretch of the imagination. They're in more or less a perfect position to go nuclear without a lot of major drawbacks; they have a solid east-facing fortified defense line with plenty of artillery that forces the BETA to mass to attack it with a reasonable chance of success.

Not nearly as big of a concern as most people are convinced it would be in this situation. There are situations where a atomic detonation generates a lot of fallout, and this isn't one of them for the following reasons:
  • Unless you are completely brain dead, you'd use airbursts for purely tactical reasons, and airbusts produce negligible fallout
  • You have the easy option of using high fusion-fraction high-yield bombs that generate few fission fragments and kick them way up into the stratosphere
  • The prevailing winds (the polar jet stream is right there) will blow any fission fragments that are produced right into BETA territory, where they become Not A Problem

I'm not saying that its a perfect plan, but this is a world where there are few few good options left.
But the BETA have Laser-class with them. They'll just destroy the missile before it even reaches them.
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