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Old 2016-03-17, 19:43   Link #249
Senior Member
Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: Whittier, Southern CA
Age: 34
Throwing out an idea here, to see if anyone wants to do anything with it:

When Rin dies, she becomes a ghost - a spirit bound to the living world, unable to been seen or heard by anyone. First traveling back in time to see Obito's rescue and rehabilitation under Old Man Madara, then following him back to the 'present' and watching as he awakens his Mangekyo, slaughters the Kiri nin in horrific fashion, and gives himself over to the 'Uchiha Curse of Hatred', becoming Madara's disciple. From then on, Ghost!Rin watches her two teammates in the ensuing years - Obito descending into maddened darkness, his horrifying plans and actions all done in her name, Kakashi coming within a hair's breadth of the 'despair event horizon' and growing up a broken man, Minato and Kushina dying because of the man who used to be Obito, the Akatsuki's formations and actions, the formation of Team Kakashi and their adventures together (including Sasuke's fall), all the things happening with both of her still-living teammates, right up to the end and the fight against Kaguya.

Watching all of this, helpless to do anything about it as she watches her old team descend into their own darknesses, the fic would let us see Rin's reactions to everything, what she would think and 'say'. I do not think I could pull this off, so if anyone wants to give it a shot...
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