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Old 2016-03-13, 23:11   Link #11
Last Sinner
You're Hot, Cupcake
Join Date: Aug 2008
Age: 42
So be it, Nozomu. I still attest Lise's death could have been utilised in a better way, is all.

But that wasn't glorious. It was tame...Episode 9's face-off had bite. This was merely going through the motions.

That battle was so utterly pathetic...The Stasi simply walk into an obvious trap and get whitewashed? That's very hard to conceive.

A better idea to allow Lise one more fight compared to the rather contrived mere capture and execution of the LN. But still....if this is what it takes to try and rectify Theodor's shortcomings as a protagonist, it was rather weak. Never thought for a moment Lise didn't deserve to die - she knew the evils she had committed. But considering she went through the most hell, she deserved some form of revenge against those that broke her. When a slave/dog/have-not has nothing left to lose, that is when they are at their most dangerous and capable of one thing their overseers don't expect. It would have been glorious. But this will have to do.

I don't exactly see the 666th/rebellion as righteous. Less bastardly, yes. But when you're willing to use West Germans like Kirke as a means to an end and particularly when you've made a deal with the devil in Axmann, is there really much to be proud of? Would Irisdina have resorted to this? Theodor's way of resolving things may have some tactical merit to it but as a person he is an utter imbecile. There will be consequences and I hope he and the rest of the 666th are ready to accept them.

Oh well, you reap what you sow....Some people are about to get what they deserve. And that's why I'll see this through to the end.

And as for this whole adaptation....if you're only going to adapt the bones of the LN and make the odd slight improvement along the way....why the hell even do it? There was a chance to do more impactful divergences by showing off part of what the VN had to offer. There's no surprise for the fanbase in Japan anymore - they know what's coming. A wasted opportunity is what this will amount to, in the end.
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