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Old 2016-03-08, 21:06   Link #35
Last Sinner
You're Hot, Cupcake
Join Date: Aug 2008
Age: 43
Originally Posted by Nozomu Itoshiki View Post
I agree about Lise, specially after the anime treatment (she didn't have THAT huge impact on the VN and LN, at least not like Iris or beato) but Irisdina's treatment wasn't that good in the adaptation considering how important she is for characters like Theo, Beatrix, Axmann and the rest, even more, she changed the way how some people think in the LN and there you have Theo as the very best example (not going to spoil why but the ones who knows what happens between Theo/lise/beatrix can get the idea).
Oh, I read up on the bits and pieces I've found...I'm somewhat aware....The LN had the time and luxury to flesh things out like that. There simply isn't enough time in 12 episodes to include that as well. Pity, but I think Watanabe has overall chosen well on what to adapt. I hope he finds time in the remaining episodes to briefly show things like that in a flashback sense to help bridge the gap.

Pham's death, while tragic and shocking, didn't have the impact it should have for people seeing the material for the first time because any out-of-battle parts that showed Pham's moments with the others never made it to the anime. Side characters aren't going to get much of a showing in the anime - a consequence of giving the core characters + events enough time.

I don't think Irisdina's importance is lost on people and that she is the leader that makes things work. But in terms of explaining the history between certain characters, then I certainly agree that there will be things lost in the conversion.

I kind of see it like the way Watanabe adapted Rumbling Hearts/Kimi Ga Nozomu Eien. He understood that certain details might be list by how much he cut, particularly of the pre ep2 ending material. But he understood that it was the post ep2 material that people watching the anime as their first experience of that title would be most invested in. That is the hook. Certainly some of Uchida's trademarks (particularly the comedic elements) probably fit in with the original version, but I doubt they would have been appropriate in the anime version. It's the tradeoff of doing an adaptation when your episode count isn't flexible.

As for Axmann, the adaptation did a good job showing his true personality and impact in the story. He's not only a bastard, Axmann is the one who carry the dark side of this story along with Beatrix while Theo, Lise or even Iris can just be considered no more than twisted characters trying to be edgy.
Lise yes, Irisdina somewhat. Theodor....I've never seen him like that. I've always seen him as the one that seemed somewhat aimless and lacked true motivation. Aside from him following in the footsteps of Irisdina and Katia, I don't see anything that admirable or defining about him.
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