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Old 2016-03-07, 01:50   Link #10
Senior Member
Join Date: Jul 2014
Okay I have been wondering something for a while. If the priestess and anju are based on his wife and daughter, are they just made to look like them, or are they biologically them ala clones or something. Ie is Anju biologically related to the Emperor and by extension Haku? I just felt like when he gave the twins to Haku, who are allegedly the daughters of his wife clone, he didn't particularly have any great value to them as living people, but treated them more like objects. I heard he doesn't treat any of the animal people as "real", but I would think if the Anju was at least a biological clone of his daughter he would seem to care for her more.

Also whats the deal with Hakuoro? Is he dead dead, in some kind of hibernation/stasis, just hiding? I just prefer him to Haku, also I would like to see him put some dam sense into his daughter.
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