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Old 2016-02-27, 20:08   Link #15
Iron Maw
Join Date: Feb 2006
Damn, quite a lot happened this week. Shame that anime has seriously started to diverge from the game, but what can you do? Adaptations don't have follow the source closely afterall.

Now with happened to the Princess I seriously doubt Tusukuru's behind the Emperor's murder. This is beyond excessive. At first I thought that Mito was either killed by a Tusukuru assassin to halt the war and prevent Iceman's reawakening or by a third party/outsider for his knowledge. But with the Princess poisoned and near death this is sounding politically motivated now. But question is who gain anything from besides the Eight Pillars who directly under his command?

As Munechika hopefully she's alright. Frankly capturing or killing her was pretty short-sighted when her army was retreating beyond their borders willingly. If Tusukuru's aim was to simply repel the invasion and hope Yamato won't return later now that the war's motivating factor is gone then this wasn't a good move. Because even more important than Munechika herself is the Mask itself. There is no way they are gonna Tusukuru keep what essentially a holy artifact to them. It gives Yamato new justification for later warfare down line without the Emperor. Assuming that they eventually sort out their own internal affairs.

Last edited by Iron Maw; 2016-02-27 at 20:26.
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