Thread: Japanese Events
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Old 2016-02-22, 13:48   Link #8
Join Date: Mar 2014
Originally Posted by SeijiSensei View Post
Five arrests in a year? And the child continues to placed back home with these monsters? That's negligence on a grand scale.
Reminds me of a kid in school back around '79-'81 who kept trying to run away from school here in the Midwest, USA.... kept being sent back... older sister sexually abused later died just after graduating high school of cancer... interesting watching the popular girls in my class reaction of sorrow, but so ironic because it was them mocking/laughing etc at her for years before that due to her looks... and that boy, in my grade, I think finally committed suicide.. having trouble remembering as he wasn't in any of my classes by high school... and I mostly remember him in middle school... with 'issues' in school as well as at home... feeling 'under attack' everywhere... seemingly like Kayo here... until that kid stepped in.

That was before all the more recent 'child protective serivices' routines got started, but is it any better? Now, the state seems to relish taking kids away, not from these obvious cases, but the opposite, from even regular homes, if the parents won't sign off on giving their kids vaccinations or other standardized treatment for any illness, even if that illness turns out to be a lie they made up... and like the asset confiscation problem these days, the authorities take first and then it's up to the 'owner' or parent to try and get them back. One problem is the type of people attracted to management in these govt jobs seem totally corrupt... and the entire system is increasingly full of them, from these agencies serving as feeders for the 'homes' or the same in the jail system, now privatized and promised a yearly profit.. etc. Greed. Power.

Emergence of the police state... step by step here in the States, the West and it is the usual pattern in any empire. It's interesting to see that Japan isn't any different... like most data from the govt., you have to understand if and how manipulated it is... and with child abuse cases, how much longer, if any, will they even be reported by the state media like NHK? They now have to serve the govt as a mouthpiece and cannot speak ill of the emperor and his lack of clothes... to use that old analogy. Any responsible reporter with a conscious is being 'let go', so any complacent types will remain, same as here in the States, no one gets a job unless they've been 'vetted' on their way up the ladder, same with policians, judges, etc... Germany had a reporter come out about this last year... speaking how it has been this way for a long time... here in the States, after WW2, everyone was on the same 'page'... only needing to be pointed to a new enemy, which was the USSR at the time, now it's 'terrorists', who seem to show up everywhere our covert ops and later regular troops are looking to operate. CIA latter called it Operation Mockingbird I think it was... typical false flag ops throughout history. Japan, under Abe, is trying to bring back the old system, same as Erdo the Idiot is attempting in Turkey, et al... and we complain about authoritarian leaders only when they aren't working for us... even Saddam couldn't understand why he was targeted, as he was working for us for decades, since Ike... Saddam didn't understand the game was changing.. the psychopaths had finished taking over and ponerizing the entire system. [ Political Ponerology]

This is a good anime... the creators can bring in all kinds of social commentary as long as it doesn't become too noticed in the state media monitors and the show's ratings remain high... though shows can get pulled even if they are... but usually that happens in the development process... which is why some topics never get the light of day. So far, this one is a whodunit, with some scifi elements brought in and social issues used to give the characters impetus to action. Nice to see some good stuff and not the usual kind.
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