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Old 2016-02-10, 02:54   Link #47
Oppai Enthusiast
Join Date: Sep 2015
Location: Southeast Asia
Age: 96
Simply put, Diehauser has more experience (like kusa said) and he is on the defensive, with the purpose of testing how far Ise can go without any means of giving him any severe injuries. On the other hand, Ise is very much used to the concept of brawling, where the respective opponents are just hitting each other without a particular means of dodging (his fight against Sairaorg and Grendel very much showed this), so this makes the fight against Diehauser exhausting his energy rather than hurting him.

If Rizevim is stronger than diehauser...
That doesn't mean that the damage would be worst?...
In what field? For pure power, Ise in CCQ can technically finish Rizevim and Diehauser with Penetrate, but the thing is how he will hit them in the first place since they would just dodge or negate his abilities. As kusa said, he does not have much experience and is very much used to brawl rather than fight pragmatically when he thinks he can overpower his enemies (with some exceptions, like the first fight against Riser, Cao Cao's second clash, and during the assault at the wizards' base of operations in Vol. 14. The truth is, Ise is more dangerous when he fights using his head rather than just punches his way out since he can come with unexpected tactics and techniques to bring down his opponents). Granted, his judgment was clouded by the fact that his parents were kidnapped, so he chose to go along with his rage instead of arranging tactics to counter them.
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