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Old 2016-02-07, 03:55   Link #11
Join Date: Apr 2007
Originally Posted by FlareKnight View Post
I had a lot of "what the heck?" moments throughout this episode. I mean...what is Kuon still doing there? Why is Karura and presumably Touka still there? You guys are being invaded! Get your rears in gear and get back home already! I mean sure they are holding the line right now, but their heavy hitters are sitting around during a crisis. Get the heck moving.
Karura and Touka has their own "mission" for staying in Yamato.
Don't you feel weird why they would even bother to establish a hot spring inn in one of the biggest neighbor country?

Originally Posted by mysterious View Post
Those people are getting on my nerve. Your country are invading Kuon homeland and they want to cheer her up. Like how? I bet if their country is the one that gets invaded they would like to be cheer up from the enemy country too. They even talk about a sight seeing trip after there is peace. Sure, after your homeland gets invaded and possibly burns down to the ground, you are sure to have a mood for sight seeing. The nerve of these people.
Yeah it's anime original, they didn't even bother looking for Kuon in the game and Kuon showed up by herself at the morning of departure. That's why it feels so dull and boring. Kuon finds the resolve by herself instead of having these happy goers have to cheer for her to invade her own homeland. Also, she only agrees to accompany them to prevent Haku and friends from getting killed since she has not a single doubt that Tuskuru would win the skirmish.
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