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Old 2016-01-31, 11:15   Link #29
Join Date: Aug 2010
Age: 36
Originally Posted by MeanMachine View Post
It probably really is a very bad idea, even if Tuskuru is not fully aware of the Emperor's plans, which is likely.

While the Hakuoro half could maybe agree to restore humanity to some degree, his other half (the bad one) in all likelihood would oppose it, and this could lead them to separate again. Now just imagine what kind of mess this could lead to. Suffice to say that I think Vurai and the Dii half of Iceman would probably get along like a house on fire.
Hakurorou would probably definitely agree as long as he doesn't have to change certain scientists back.
As you already said the other side is the problem. (Although i believe the reason he is sealed is that he still fights that side)

on another node... Hakurou was called Ouro instead of emperor, any reason for that? Cause I am rather sure he was the Emperoro of Tsukuru, with tsukuru by now spanning all over Japan.
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