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Old 2016-01-25, 12:11   Link #15
Incest Emblem
Join Date: Jan 2015
The most notable moment for me is realizing that Atui is the most mature out of Haku/Kuon's group, despite being positioned initially as the airhead from Osaka and a romantic dreamer.

The most telling moment was when Shinonon started to comment: Atui's reaction is to turn around and gently push her out of the corridor; Rurutie had fainted by the time; Nosuri and Nekone only minded their own business; and Kuon did not react at all. She also had the most understated reaction of the group. She distinguished herself by being the one who looked out for the well-being of a younger person.

In retrospect, it suddenly made more sense that Haku chose Atui rather than Kuon to go onto Dekoponpo's ship.
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