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Old 2016-01-24, 00:54   Link #11
Join Date: Aug 2010
Age: 36
Originally Posted by FlareKnight View Post
Unfortunately I could only agree so much with Haku since honestly...the slice of life portion that made up the majority of the show to this point was kind of boring. Some episodes were better than others, but as a whole it has been pretty weak. Those moments were precious to him....not so much to me .

Does kind of feel like there is a war against the source material itself. There's no way that they had so little action in the game and Haku avoided so much conflict until this point.

Regardless I did think it was a good episode. It made sense after what Haku saw and went through to be like that. He just watched a major military figure of this country massacre his own people. Hard to feel good about the victory or want to be at a parade after all that.

It was nice seeing the various efforts to get Haku back on his feet. The efforts of Kuon and the others was nice. It didn't overly work, but it was a good effort. The gifts were a nice touch. Showing how they feel and how they don't want him to stay down forever.

Ukon's efforts worked, but it was questionable. Probably not a good thing to run away from reality and say "well just drink away your troubles." Ignoring tragedies like that isn't going to get you anywhere. And really how could someone like Ukon who talks about caring about the people just ignore the fact that they murdered their own people?

Anyways, I liked the tone. Haku should have been down after all that. And while he's still moving ahead, he's not able to just ignore or forget what happened.
The outrageous thing is imho that the swordsman didn't remind Haku that he did indeed save several lives. Namely those of some Hostages as well as the Yamato soldiers that were spared due to the swordsman's daugther having been released.
Those who forget about the past are condemned to repeat it - Santayana

Sidenote: I'm seemingly too dumb for my current keyboard, so if you see the same character twice in a row, when it doesn't belong there just ignore it.
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