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Old 2016-01-20, 00:36   Link #37
Senior Member
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: Zone: Mare Tranquillitatis
Yeah, Haku tried to reach those who are in danger while he himself is trembling. That isn't easy.

His personality have been changed quite a bit from the game, and his experience of battles as well. With this arrangement it's only proper to give him such a shock for the slaughtering to get him to actually feel what is at stake. The whole episode is to get Haku to feel for all this, so it isn't supposed to be exciting or cool but to be fearsome. And no you're not supposed to sync with the generals. This episode have done a very good job on this regard.

That said, it would have been much more effective if the last episode is more exciting. I was upset with Haku's character change on first watch of that ep and only accepted it on second watch, and the battles weren't really exciting enough to match with this episode. That hurts the watching experience of this episode.
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