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Old 2016-01-01, 00:04   Link #203
Join Date: May 2013
I've had a theory regarding Aleister's plans for a while, and I finally got around to posting it (I feel like there should be a general speculation thread...).

My theory is that Aleister is seeking to change or destroy heaven, or at least its relation with the human pure world. By heaven, I'm coloring it with a somewhat Christian interpretation, but at the least I would say the series has defined it as the source of Telesma and the 'home' of the angels.

My developing that theory is based on some lines (in spoiler towards the bottom) that tell us there is a mechanism for reverse Idol Theory, and that it's Aleister's specialty, plus the definition of AC as an artificial heaven. So I thought that Aleister is applying his specialty to develop AC as a means to interfere with heaven.

For this to work with reverse Idol Theory, AC should be similar to heaven. I view this related to why there are obvious parallels between Accelerator's awakened state (? I forget what common fan term is) and angels (v4 and WWIII)/Aiwass, with black or white wings in terms of appearance plus the same speech pattern. The level 5's are being developed in a direction that brings them closer to angels to act as proxies (it's a bit of a weakpoint here that I have to wave my hands and say Kazakiri is also a proxy, even though she is more literally an artificial angel). This could also give meaning to AC's stated goal of creating a level 6, which has been referred to as approaching heaven/god; "System"/Level 6 could act as a proxy for god in Aleister's artificial heaven.

Also, Aleister has said his plan is similar to what Fiamma was trying to do. It's been a while since I read those parts in full, but Fiamma was trying to fix the alignments of the elements (which I interpret as the relation between heaven and earth), so in my view, my broad theory fits within that hint.

Spoiler for quotes from various volumes:

I'm not claiming it's a perfectly complete theory, but it's fun to speculate based off seemingly small bits of information (Aleister's specialty), as I think Kamachi has done that with some other directions he's gone in. And I think it's viable as a possible piece of the endgame.
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