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Old 2015-12-05, 19:03   Link #394
Vallen Chaos Valiant
Logician and Romantic
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: Within my mind
Age: 43
I can sort of understand both sides of the argument on the combat decisions in the remake.

The fact is if one has very little faith in SE, then it is probably ideal to want the remake to copy the game mechanics wholesale without changes. The old system worked, and if one thinks modern SE is untrustworthy then one would not want the remake to deviate from the original.

I understand that. I bought FFXII with my very first paycheck, and I was so disgusted with the fake MMO elements I never finished the game. This after being a customer for a decade. I never even touched 13.

IMO, the desire for turn-based isn't because it is the best system, but because SE had burned so many bridges up to this point that many of us are not sure they are capable of making an alternative battle system that wouldn't be worse.

Still, we are not making the game, SE is. And whether their new game mechanics would be a decent substitute is entirely up to them.

I just hope it doesn't require quicktime events...
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