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Old 2006-05-27, 09:43   Link #18
Guide my hand...
Join Date: Mar 2006
Age: 40
Originally Posted by Chad
They' re both female, because they have tails. Only women have it
Nope, that is rong.., men have them aswell ^^
During the episode while the twins where training the village men in Archery, there are some scenes there which shows us that "some" males also have tails.

Not all though.., it surely must be something species related.., unfortunatly on some we cannot see they're ears because they choose to cover them up; never the less its safe to assume, that even despite not many diferent ear types have been shown.., there are diferent species withitn the people of Eruruu's village.

So I take it.., given a certain type of ears would mean that that specie also has a tail, even as a male.

Edit :
I found the screenshot I was looking for on this aspect ; its from episode 4, and... was already posted in another thread ^^,
So.., I'll just copy-paste it here :
Originally Posted by Catgirls

Those are all men from the village. As you can see, some have tails and some don't. I think it depends on the species or clan that they're from (as it is in nature).
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