Thread: Licensed Girls und Panzer Movie
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Old 2015-11-29, 10:00   Link #96
Infinite Zenith
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Originally Posted by arkhangelsk View Post
I'm in a real catch-22 LoweGear. It's been one week and we still seem no closer to being able to see it.

So I've got two choices here:

1) I can put out the preliminary solution NOW. But then people whine I hadn't seen the film yet (like big plot points like the ones that are my beef is likely to change that much).

2) I can wait until I see the movie, which might be months later. Then people would accuse me of over-thinking even more now that I supposedly had months to think about it (though I started getting the vibes almost as soon as the reviews started coming in and within three days I'm up to about 90, 95% of my current solution).

And you know what? I'm not thinking all that hard! Ever since MGLN, I learnt anime is often something that is not better sniffed closely. I have quite a few "unconventional" thoughts about GuP but they generally take some time to come out and they are not in "fatal" areas, so I'm actually happy to find the new position.

This time, I'm smelling it before it even reached my plate. If it doesn't smell because I put a noseclip on my nose, does that mean it does not smell?
I completely sympathise with your situation with respect to not being able to see the movie; the only viable means of seeing the movie expediently is to go book a flight to Japan, and the costs of doing so would be quite unreasonable considering the purpose of the visit I know it's been a long week, but at present, the most economical solution is simply to wait for a home release. Unfortunately, that's a long ------- way off.

With that being said, I impart some words from one of my friends, who saw I was in a similar boat about not being able to see the movie. For now, there's nothing we can do about watching the movie itself, so that time might be spent on other pursuits. Thus, I feel that your picking option two will be the lesser of two evils. There are several appreciable benefits to option two: by waiting for the film to come out, you can decisively see for yourself what elements work and don't work. Moreover, the other participants in this here discussion will have also seen it, so there's now a common reference point for some good discussion to occur.

As far as Japanese discussions on the movie goes, I hate to adopt a stance suggesting bad faith, but the Japanese perspectives are merely opinions in the best case, and in the worst case, they could be misrepresenting the movie. This is why I feel that option one is not a good one for now: the authenticity of the Japanese viewer's reactions is dubious not because they're untrustworthy, but simply because we can't see the film. So, this time, you've caught the aroma of a delicious dish in the distance: it's definitely okay to keep taking it in, and anticipate it for sure. I'm hoping that when the time comes to actually taste it, our patience was worth it

Last edited by Infinite Zenith; 2015-11-29 at 10:16.
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