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Old 2006-05-25, 15:40   Link #29
Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: Fairfax, VA, USA
Originally Posted by kj1980
What you are asking seems to be good organization, but has the high probabilty of the increase in cross-referenced posts.

Okay, let me rephrase: what makes it difficult right now between discussing each pertaining episode and a singular general theory section that we have now? If you've seen up to Ep.8, you can write your thoughts on Ep. 8 thread. If you want to discuss it overall, you have the general discussion section. Do we really need to have more subdivisions? Wouldn't that make things more complicated, if not on your end, but on moderating ends as well?
Yeah, and that's why I stated that "the hardest part is getting people to realize this and writing in the 'correct' threads." It'll probably be more work for all the moderators, so that's why I don't push on these things.

Personally for me, my true feelings are that I don't care one way or another at this point. I've been with the show since the beginning and have read the threads here in and out enough to know when and where certain members have made their comments. The number of people who currently currently contributing is fairly small and it's not difficult to maneuver around to find overlapping comments across the board. The only thing I do think about is the momentum of new fans coming to the show and to this board, but at the rate things are going, it doesn't seem bad. So that's my 2 cents.

As for spoiler tags, the rule stands. I have far too many seen the loss of interest for blurting out spoilers from the Fate thread, and I do not wish to allow ANY game spoiler whatsoever in the thread (except for the thread noted as game spoiler).
OFFTOPIC: I understand your concern and I'm sure we all appreciate the hard work on preventing spoilers. That said, FSN is an not an example of people losing interest because of they found out too much but because of higher/different expectations and a delivery it didn't plan to make. Not a problem of the show of course, but of the fanbase who were prepared for too much, I guess.

I mean seriously, you think people would stop watching when they hear about a
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