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Old 2015-11-09, 08:12   Link #91
Shikigami of the sages
Join Date: Apr 2014
Location: Forest of magic, within the stomach of a mushroom
Originally Posted by tsunade666 View Post
I saw the spoiler images but man... Kamachi trying hard to make Kamisato the rival/enemy of Kamijou. Its not even funny for me. I would probably like it better if its a bit early and long time rivalry but this... after 30 going 40+ volumes.
I would describe it as mortal enemy, or foil. Since for they are basically the same person, a rival would be someone who walks a different path to the same result, Kamisato is literally Kamijou with a different coat of paint. Kind of expected since "one's greatest enemy is one self" is a pretty common idea.

So accelerator and hamazura still are rivals/secondary MC, Kamisato is the foil (greatest boss).
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