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Old 2015-11-08, 05:23   Link #95
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Join Date: Jul 2009
Age: 35
Originally Posted by Krunk View Post
Welp, the people of Yamato are seriously overly dependent on their emperor.

Spoiler for Emperor:

Seriously, this empire is nothing more than a collection of states united only by their fascination with the ruler.

Is the emperor the only one calling the big shots? Are the generals merely advisors in all of this? Is there no bureaucracy that could at least provide some temporary order?
I guess that is a big problem when one believes that their leader is a god and don't even entertain the idea of him being gone. And the Emperor didn't seem to like Decoys that much either and saw the mostly as tools, in my opinion.
There is probably things that keep things together, but it won't be Yamato wide rather than each country takes care of it self.
In a way, it was Vrai that split the empire with his actions towards Anju.

After all, the three leaders(more or less) are gone.
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