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Old 2015-11-07, 12:36   Link #3
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Join Date: Jan 2015
YES finally a GREAT FUCK YOU to Hanekawa!!!!

Now on to my rant/review or w.e u wanna call it. In terms of the story and animation this has been the best episode in this series. Seems like the animation and movement had been elevated to another degree. There was a lot of odd movement like classic gatari days. I was beginning to get nervous that the story was going to be carrying the anime but this episode was great. Not to say the others weren't but this one takes the cake. The art looks a bit more colorful and crisp. And the Hanekawa scene was done very well. As well as the hint scenes. This type of audio direction is something i love from shaft studio and why it works soooo fucking well with this scene. Im guessing based on just a hypothesis that during the first couple episodes the staff was probably working on a project so the effort towards gatari was split up but now they are back to working fully on gatari. I could be completely wrong but the effort in terms of animation and art in this episode wants to prove me otherwise. No need for theories on to the episode.

Im glad this is an Ougi episode, it begins more of the creepiness and trippiness. All her advancements are done so calculated and she isnt afraid to call out Sodachi on being crazy. The use of a thunder round type of hinting system really did get my heart pumping full of excitement like what could it have been? Its rare seeing suspense being built one by one, succession after succession, and still work in such a way it did in this story. The conclusion of those hints tho were somewhat a given but its Nisio after all and he loves to build up something absolutely crazy in order to leave it anticlimactic but yet chilling. Basically its the answer you know but the answer you don't want. However there was a bit of a spin to it which made it all the more creepy. Araragis scream was sooo damn good it stopped the entire hints in its track and I felt so much emotion from it. The bits of philosophy from Ararararagi is surely great. Sodachi is soo beautiful man it sucks to see her having to deal with all this but im glad she can somewhat move past it. Overall she was fleshed out as a character so well. When is the last time You've seen a new character get developed so well from start to finish. Having her leave is good for now so dont worry (i wont spoil anything so lets leave it at that). Hitagi is such a character lol those text were soo cute it almost made you forget how much of a couple they really are.

FYI the scene with Arararagi and Ougi towards the end is important just because you dont understand it dont dismiss it. And those who get it will enjoy it.

Now to discuss the overall impact of these 6 episodes, while they are 3 different arcs they seem to have connected every step of the way. Some might say having her leave would just omit this arc as a filler. However lets be honest here the presences of Sodachi brought something important to this series. A BACKSTORY and DEVELOPMENT for the one character who barely had any, or as much as the other girls. Arararagi finally gotten a backstory which lets us inside the world and mind of Arararagi. Essentially we get what Arararagi was before all this. Besides Kizu this is the most we have gotten thus far. I could repeat what ive say and summarize everything but u can see my older episode rants for that.

In all sense of purposes Ougi Formula Sodachi Riddle Sodachi Lost was done expetionally well with this episode being the best/peak thus far. For these episode i will give a 10/10. If the next arc can finish it off without any plunders this might top Monogatari Second Season.

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