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Old 2015-07-10, 16:25   Link #24
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Join Date: Aug 2014
Originally Posted by Echizen777 View Post
Kinda amusing that most of you are only taking in account the Tatsuya-Mayumi relationship, he didn't lie to her about is family but some lies were mixed in it and seriously, saying that it's because she never asked is a lame excuse. He didn't only lie to her, he lied to many other persons but most, not all of his lies were necessary as he was ordered to hide his identity.
When did he lie about his family or past? When Katsuto asked him if he was a member of the 10MC, Tatsuya correctly said no. Sure, even if he was recognized as a legit Yotsuba at the time, he would have lied to Katsuto. But Tatsuya was a guardian and not a full fledged member, at least that's how I see it. I can't think of any other instances where Tatsuya or Miyuki were even asked about their past. Maybe Lina did, but that's a completely different circumstance. If you can think of an instance, let me know. The only other instance is probably his conversation with Erika in volume 11, and in that scene Tatsuya did reveal he's a Yotsuba (but neglected to say he was only a guardian). Tatsuya just evaded the question with Shizuka's mom, so you're right about that one.

Honestly, it's pretty odd that (as far as I can remember) nobody from First High except Katsuto and Erika has outright asked them about their family. After all of the exploits of Tatsuya and Miyuki, no one has even brought it up with them? With their power and the emphasis Japan's magical community seems to place on clan names, you'd think someone would have investigated or at least brought it up. Maybe it's because 'Shiba' is not a famous magician family name so people just let it go. But still, you'd think someone would have asked.

Tatsuya has misled people about many things. For instance, he let Mikihiko believe pursuing Zhou was JSDF business and not a Yotsuba mission. Nobody at First High knows Tatsuya's real strength, whether it be combat or magic. They have some idea of his combat prowess, but didn't know that he's a trained killer. Obviously, they have no clue about his magical excellence.

To get back on topic, it will be interesting to see if people at First High figure out that Tatsuya's no defective magician. They probably know that some Yotsubas have a few innate abilities, rather than a general excellence with all magics (Miyuki being the exception). I'm sure they'll all have figured out that Tatsuya has been trained to kill, based on his name and what they've seen him do.
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