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Old 2015-07-09, 14:59   Link #26
Join Date: Jul 2013
マグダラで眠れVII 【著者/支倉凍砂 イラスト/鍋島テツヒロ】
Yes~! I was waiting for it o/. Yousjo senki is already out, noow if Dash X bunko could announce for august or september rokka 6, that would be perfect. Oh, although I wouldn't be against an announce of Reinousha Minato 9 from media works bunko when we're at it, we've been waiting for it for a while.

In other news, Kamachi's streak of novel releases continues (10 in a row; 11th one confirmed for October). And Kawakami's Hexennacht Volume 1 ISN'T going to be the size of a brick.
So with that 11th Kamachi will have more page published this year than kawakami, is that what you meant by that? Indeed, since I doubt that Hexennacht will be 1000 pages long (most probably 400-600), even adding the 2500+ he published earlier this year, that will make him around 3000 pages published this year, so that should be less than Kamachi with 11 volumes.

The thing is, that's actually a very bad news for the series written by Kamachi ImO. Because I never saw that author able to write a correct story when doing speed work like that. In other words, for me not a single of those 11 volumes published are worth buying. Whereas Kawakami can actually write quality no problem with that pace. So I'm buying his new volumes no problem.
Bottom line, since Kamachi isn't able to do both quality and quantity, he should seriously stop publishing at that rate. What does he think he's doing, some kind of competition to be first on the year 2015 because he has never been able to be first before? Or he's in need of money or something? Anyway, as a former buyer of his books, and therefore as a former customer, this makes me want to flee even more from anything with kamachi name on it. Such a waste of setting and talent.
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