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Old 2006-05-10, 08:15   Link #28
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: The Fields of High Attus
Age: 34
Sakuga (作画)

Generally refers to the drawings in an anime.

More often than not it is talking about how the pictures are drawn - are they close to the model, do they show good expressions, are they anatomically/proportionally correct, are the shadows right, etc...
However, some people use it with reference to the animation as a whole (drawings + line quality + movement (and timing) + shading etc, but not colour). I think that isn't entirely accurate.

When you see people going about "nani kono sakuga" or "hidoi sakuga" they're usually complaining about the poor quality of drawings, but if it's smooth they'll usually say "yoku ugoiteru ne" (something to that extent), or maybe something like "sugee douga". If it's smooth and well-drawn and moves WELL (meaning with nuance, sense of weight, etc.) they'll say "kami sakuga". A common appreciation of cool animation seems to be 鳥肌が立った - I got goosebumps. Like shivers down your spine.

An important, related term is Sakuga kantoku (作画監督) also abbreviated as "sakkan". Literally translated as "animation director", which is misleading. The job of a sakkan is to correct the genga made by key animators (see below). Corrected drawings are done on yellow paper, apparently. This is one of the important roles, and is one of the 4 most important per episode (the other 3 being scriptwriter, storyboarder and episode director).

I am going to ((very) extensively) blather on about this so I have put it in a spoiler tag.

Spoiler for About sakkans/animation directors:

Genga (原画)

Usually translated as key animation. It literally means "original drawings". This is something I'm still not entirely clear about, but basically they draw the important frames in a show - and leave the in-between stuff to, well, the in-between animators. In-between animation work is called douga 動画 and also involves tracing the lines from the genga so that it looks neat and so on, called clean-up.
Spoiler for extra stuff:

edit: I can be wrong on some of this
Thanks for the fish

Last edited by kj1980; 2007-06-07 at 10:57.
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