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Old 2015-06-16, 01:22   Link #62
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Join Date: Mar 2012
Originally Posted by Magin View Post
No, I have not played XIII.
neither did 60% who call XIII crap, but getting into that right now won't do anyone good

honestly I'm quite surprised that they are remaking 7 now, i didn't think the FF team had the time to do it between KH, 15, Dissidia and now world of Final Fantasy shows what i know, anyway I am definitely glad that it is, is it the number i would have chosen to be remade no, is it the one that if any of the 6-9 FF's to get a remake that that the one that would be chosen, yes because fans have been asking for one for years now that doesn't mean that 6,8, and 9 won't eventually get remakes they just won't get one right now, now the things i worry about the remake is the world map how can it be done with those graphics, and there are some scenes that may not work in this super realistic style of graphics but i will have see them to make sure, also i am wondering wether or not they will change the battle system, hope they keep the old systemthey used but they may change it to something like 15 and alot of fans will call foul if they do
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