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Old 2015-05-29, 03:56   Link #10
The old ace of Arlington
Join Date: Oct 2012
Location: Plain of Doleful Melody - ANI
Age: 36
Originally Posted by Netto Azure View Post
Though on the other hand its still quite improbable for a war to break out between the US a and China. Maybe a proxy skirmish between China and neighbors like Vietnam or the Philippines?
I don't know about Philippines but there's no way a skirmish between Vietnam and China can happen in at least another few decades. VN's economy is heavily depended on China. Not to mention some of VN's high officers is pro-China, the most serious thing VN will do against China's aggressive behavior is more "verbal fighting".

And when it come to military power, I don't think ASEAN stand a chance against China even if all ASEAN countries combine their forces. We're talking about a war against a country with more than 1.3 billion people ( They can literally zerg rush you ) and nuclear weapon. Dealing with China through diplomatic measure is ASEAN's best choice.
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